The following is an email from one of our followers:
Dear btucottbussucks:
Here are a few issues I had with the ERM studies at the cottbus university yr of 2006 - 2007:
First, I was unable to get housing at the on campus flats, which is meant to be garaunteed to foreign students. This forced me to seek a flat where at least I was able to meet very nice and helpful people. Please know to contact friends before you go who can help you upon approaching Cottbus it can be very difficult to find your way if you are male or female.
Second, It took some time to finally see that there was not available any department. It is of upmost importance for future students to understand ERM program is a mixing of professors from many programs and no department (in-which one can find all of the professor) is available. In addition the professors seem to be not interested in teaching the english courses since they have their own courses in German language.
Third, it was often the case that classes were taught by student assistants with the same level of degree as the students they are teaching. Here many times professor do not often come to the classes themselves. Speaking times are limited so making a contact with a professor can be much impossible.
Fourth My bachelor degree was in Chemistry, in Cottbus University it is difficult to focus on a single study course as offered courses are in many different focuses. You must take many courses but cannot focus in one area meaning it is hard to gain skills.
Fifth Cottbus university provides activities on the campus but it is difficult to find activities in the town. There are people in the town that will not talk to you when you come from another country.
My country has one language English, and my english is very good. The professors in ERM program speak good english sometimes however then the secretaries usually do not speak english at all. This can be very difficult when you must schedule a meeting or even to hand in a paper late. You will need a German friend to help you when you are first coming in Cottbus. There are classes for learning German but they were very full with many students and it will take alot of time to learn this language enough.
Thanks you and Danke Shon
(name removed for anonymity)