The following text was emailed to the staff here at BTU Cottbus Sucks by one of our readers; it refers to classes offered in the WHS (World Heritage Studies) program:
Body of Knowledge
- I found this course to be basically useless. The subjects covered did not go into enough detail and the student presentations were usually terrible. Furthermore, I had a busy schedule and Prof. Albert often started the class 15 to 30 minutes late, then held students sometimes 30 minutes late (giving important information at the end of class, after some students were forced to leave for work or family).
- Again, another waste of time. The worst part of this class was Mr. Wolf teaching. His communication and teaching abilities are embarrassingly awful. The information provided in this class is something that anyone studying in a Masters program should already know.
Social Change and Continuity
- Prof. Gensior is the most incompetent Professor I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Her command of the English language is dreadful and she took more than 8 months to post the marks from this course. The course itself consisted entirely of poorly done student presentations and I can safely say that I learned absolutely nothing. To her credit, Prof. Gensior seemed friendly, however I got the impression that she was on strong anti-psychotic drugs due to her bizarre behaviour and communication tendencies.
Cultural Landscapes
- This class was the single worst class I have ever taken in my entire academic career. The instructor often had no idea what she was speaking about because the presentations came from the Prof., and she was also very poorly organized. Sandra is friendly, however her teaching and communication skills are so bad, I don’t think she should ever be in a position where she interacts with students. Upon hearing these complaints, Prof. Schmidt literally told students to deal with it and not to expect too much because it was her first semester, and that perhaps she would get better by next year. In addition, Prof. Schmidt rarely (maybe twice) taught classes himself. What I found to be most offensive and unprofessional was the way Prof. Schmidt flirted with and CENSORED students. I would not be surprised to hear that he has a history of CENSORED and I feel that it is a liability for the BTU to employ him because of this . . . not to mention the outrageous ethical issues involved on his part.