Wednesday, July 7, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Btucottbussucks threatened by BTU

[] received this letter from the BTU - which really REALLY sucks!

Dear Foreigner in Cottbus,

the contents of your blog (BTU Cottbus sucks) are not only affecting all students and alumni of World Heritage Studies but also the entire university and the city of Cottbus.
You may not care about these issues but all the people and institutions involved are likely to take legal actions against you.
In your own interest, we ask you to shut down this blog immediately, at latest until tomorrow, 1pm.
We, the StuCo are permanently working on the improvement of the Master program and if you would like to contribute to our work on a constructive basis, we would appreciate this a lot more than the contents of your blog.

With best regards

the StuCo of World Heritage Studies